I have been troubleshooting some virtual server site issues lately and could not find the commands to trail the logs when accessing the site. So this post is to store the commands that I found useful for easy review in
A collection of 6 posts
F5 Error getting auth token from login provider
I noticed a new yellow banner on the top of my F5 management user interface (UI). The message states that it is getting an error when trying to get authentication token from the login provider. Initially I thought it was
Recover F5 management GUI after certificate upgrade breaks it
I was upgrading F5 device certificate that was scheduled to expire. After importing the newly signed certificate from the certificate authority, I lost access to the management user interface (UI). I secured shelled into the device and ran a status
Studying for Okta professional certifcate
I am familiar with Identity and Access Management (IDAM) and have worked with a few solutions on Premise and in the cloud. So learning and getting certified in Okta Identity Engine (OIE) was the next logical step. The exam consists
EPSS - Exploit Prediction Scoring System
In cybersecurity, most security shops push their teams to remediate all vulnerabilities identified by scanning tools immediately. This has proven to be an exhaustive task because there are always new vulnerabilities emerging and most importantly a good number of them
Palo Alto: imported certificate not available for use in policy rule
I had an issue where I was replacing an expiring PKI certificate in the Palo Alto firewall. The certificate imported was successful and it chained correctly under the intermediate and root certificate. However, when I tried referencing the new certificate
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