I had an issue where I was replacing an expiring PKI certificate in the Palo Alto firewall. The certificate imported was successful and it chained correctly under the intermediate and root certificate. However, when I tried referencing the new certificate
A collection of 6 posts
sha256.c(48): OpenSSL internal error, assertion failed:
I noticed my HA pair Panorama's antivirus version was out of sync. So I logged into the out of sync device and manually tried updating the AV version but got the error; Failed to update content with following message: sha256.
Cannot decrypt certificate-based client authentication
I was attempting to inspect traffic from an external source to my lab environment. My lab instance is configured to use a public private key (PPK) file for authentication. I configured the Palo traffic policy rule to allow traffic flow
Error: The connection of trust from the root certificate authorities to this certificate has not been made
The documented process by vendor is; Log into CLI; Set hostnameSet hostname <desired redseal device hostname> 2. Enter create self-certificate 3. populate the fields as require and Enter to proceed 4. Log into Java client and navigate to
Importing Certificates into Java Keystore in Windows
Navigate to folder containing Java (JRE) installation. In the /bin you will find keytool.exe which will aid you import the certificate to the Java keystore. C:\Path to\Java\current JRE\bin>keytool -importcert -file nameofcertificate.cer -keystore
SSL certificate errors after updating X.509 certificate on Checkmarx server
This issue usually occur after updating the SSL certificate on you Checkmarx server. The new certificate is imported into the store and when you attempt to connect to checkmarx webclient you get the error shown below; Before proceeding, make sure
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